An All-in-One solution for both manual and algorithmic Professional Traders.
Dive into a comprehensive Toolkit that addresses Supply and Demand Imbalances, Tape Reading, Order Flow, and meticulous Footprint and Delta analysis. Discover limitless possibilities in Back-Testing, Strategy Building, and Automation with our Universal Bot and Strategy Builder. Effortlessly back-test any indicator or your manual strategy across thousands of trades using historical data with just a few clicks. Optimise your strategies before seamlessly transitioning them into automated execution.
You are going to be introduced to the most comprehensive, precise, advanced & transparent trading
method. Yes! I proudly claim that
"On the Planet Earth; You would not find such a clear, comprehensive
& advanced trading method equipped with all customizable leading tools & indicators."
Volume Calculated Trading Method is a combined form of ORDER-FLOW & Volume Spread
Analysis, but with a
more precise, mathematical & advanced approach. In VC Trading Method, I have developed a set of leading
tools & indicators that will disclose all the hidden forces that manipulate & drive the market from one
price level to another.
As Newton Said in his 3rd law: Action & Reaction.
"For every action in nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction."
Similarly, I believe that.
"For every action of Bulls / Bears, there should be an equal reaction towards their direction."
The "Action" can be measured by the velocity of Bid/Ask hitters, volume, delta & tape reading.
While the "Reaction" can be measured by the movement of price.
This is the central concept I summed up in VC Trading Method & Tools. In this method, we analyze and
measure every action & reaction from different angles, perspectives & approaches.
VC Trading Method empowers you to see deep inside the market with your naked eyes. It enables you to
analyze the market on a micro-level and shows what is genuinely happening behind the candles. With the
help of these advanced leading tools, it lets you observe the real-time tug of ware between bulls &
bears. Not only does it help you to detect the footprints of smart money. It also prevents you from the
immature & early entries, stop-loss hunting & from the traps of big players and allows you to stay in
winning trade longer & close losing trade sooner.
After mastering the VC Trading Method & its rules, you will gather unshakeable confidence in your
analyses & trades. It not only empowers you by giving you an unbeatable edge over the other players, but
it also develops patience & shapes you into a disciplined trader with defined entry & exit rules. Please
read the description of each indicator deeply & visit the Training & Education section to learn more.
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